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来源:51白菜网 作者:审核人:发布时间:2016-07-04点击数:


一.  论坛时间:201676 下午2:30-5:00

二.  论坛地点:信工学院9-302报告厅

三.  主办单位:51白菜资讯主站信工学院


四.  主题报告

  报告题目:A novel data hiding method to conceal secret data



  报告题目:Defining E-Supply Chain Management

    报告嘉宾:美国得克萨斯州立大学 José Humberto Ablanedo-Rosas副教授


  报告题目:Large-scale recommender system

    报告嘉宾:51白菜资讯主站Christoph Schubert博士


  报告题目:Big Data and W-commerce

    报告嘉宾:美国西弗罗里达大学June Wei教授


五.  嘉宾简介

Professor Chin-Chen Chang obtained his Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from National Chiao Tung University. His first degree is Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and master degree is Master of Science in computer and decision sciences. Both were awarded in National Tsing Hua University. Dr. Chang served in National Chung Cheng University from 1989 to 2005. His current title is Chair Professor in Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, from Feb. 2005.Prior to joining Feng Chia University, Professor Chang was an associate professor in Chiao Tung University, professor in National Chung Hsing University, chair professor in National Chung Cheng University. He had also been Visiting Researcher and Visiting Scientist to Tokyo University and Kyoto University, Japan. During his service in Chung Cheng, Professor Chang served as Chairman of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Dean of College of Engineering, Provost and then Acting President of Chung Cheng University and Director of Advisory Office in Ministry of Education, Taiwan. Professor Chang's specialties include, but not limited to, data engineering, database systems, computer cryptography and information security. A researcher of acclaimed and distinguished services and contributions to his country and advancing human knowledge in the field of information science, Professor Chang has won many research awards and honorary positions by and in prestigious organizations both nationally and internationally.


José Humberto Ablanedo-Rosas is an Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the College of Business Administration, the University of Texas at El Paso. He received his PhD from the University of Mississippi. His research interests include supply chain models, business logistics, scheduling, metaheuristics, and total quality management. Recently, he has been studying how business intelligence is defining a new business model for the smart grid. He has published in journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research, Expert Systems, OMEGA, and International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics.


June Wei is a professor in the Department of Management/MIS of the College of Business at the University of West Florida. Dr. June Wei earned a master degree from School of Management at Zhejiang University, another master degree from School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. from Purdue University.  Her working experiences include telecommunication and network sector and health care sector. She worked as a software engineer in Marconi Communications in Dallas for more than five years. She had Quality Control working experience in Bausch & Lomb Company in Atlanta. She also has extensive working experience with enterprise information systems development. Her research interest covers information security and human behavior on Internet commerce, enterprise e-value chain management on e-business, enterprise information systems development, and human information processing for cognitive tasks analysis. She has more than 100 publications in referral journal and conference proceedings. Dr. June Wei is an Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Mobile Communications, The Electronic Government: An International Journal, and The International Journal of Electronic Finance, and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation and The Journal of Information Privacy and Security. She is also a Guest Editor and an Editorial Board member of many other journals.


Dr. Christoph Schubert is an associate professor of Data Analysis and Big Data Technology at the School of Information  of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. After obtaining his PhD in Mathematics in 2006 from Bremen University, he worked at the Institute of Software Technology of Dortmund University before he moved to China in 2011. His research interests include data analysis with a special focus on Big Data technologies and NoSQL databases as well as functional programming and stochastic models of computation and modal logic. Moreover, he works a foreign advisor for the Jinhua Homestay project which promotes home-stay style ecotourism and international youth exchange.


