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来源:51白菜网 作者:审核人:发布时间:2021-03-20点击数:



年级 专业 员工姓名 硕士学位论文题目 获得时间 导师姓名
2019 管理科学与工程 竺堃 基于深度学习的交通流量预测研究 2023.12 张帅
2018 管理统计学 陈勇 基于深度学习的短期风速预测研究 2022.12 张帅
2017 管理统计学 陈铭洲 不确定环境下电动物流车路径优化模型及算法研究 2021.12 张帅
2015 企业管理 杨玉舒 云制造环境下制造服务组合优化模型及算法研究 2019.12 张文宇
2015 行政管理 王婉茹 电子政务领域的文献计量分析与研究 2019.12 张文宇
2014 管理统计学 张世雄 基于模糊时间序列与群智能算法的股票价格波动预测研究 2018.12 张文宇
2013 企业管理 张雪扬 区间语言型多属性群体决策方法及其在供应商选择中的应用研究 2017.12 王周敬


年级 专业 员工姓名 专利名称 年份
管理科学与工程 2019 施嘉璇 一种基于场景的再制造调度优化方法 2023
管理科学与工程 2019 陈洁 一种带有作业族的作业车间调度方法及装置 2023
管理统计学 2018 陈勇 一种交通预测方法及装置 2023
企业管理 2018 肖久红 一种基于效用感知的云制造多任务调度方法 2023
管理科学与工程 2019 竺堃 一种再制造系统调度方法 2023
管理科学与工程 2021 尹祥 一种基于时空动态图卷积网络的交通速度预测方法 2023
管理科学与工程 2019 竺堃 一种基于合成数据的交通流量预测方法及装置 2022
管理统计学 2017 丁捷频 一种基于遗传算法的云制造多视角协同调度优化方法 2022
企业管理 2014 徐松 一种面向网络化相关性感知的制造服务供应链优化方法 2022
企业管理 2018 肖久红 一种基于博弈论的云制造多任务调度优化方法 2022
管理统计学 2017 丁捷频 一种云制造环境下柔性多任务前摄性调度优化方法 2022
管理统计学 2017 石晨 一种基于图表征学习的大图采样可视化方法 2021
管理统计学 2018 张欣隆 一种面向大规模社交媒体数据的简化可视分析方法 2021
管理统计学 2017 丁捷频 一种制造系统中柔性多任务调度方法 2021
管理统计学 2018 张欣隆 一种面向大规模社交媒体数据的双目标采样可视分析方法 2021
管理统计学 2017 陈铭洲 一种面向粗略定位的协同车辆路径优化方法 2021
管理统计学 2017 陈子旋 一种基于分块矩阵和模糊运输时间的车辆路径优化方法 2021


作者 论文题目 出版刊物名称 收录 JCR分区 年份
竺堃 Multivariate correlation matrix-based deep learning model with enhanced heuristic optimization for short-term traffic forecasting IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering SCI Q1 2023
余望之 GSTC-Unet: A U-shaped multi-scaled spatiotemporal graph convolutional network with channel self-attention mechanism for traffic flow forecasting Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2023
尹祥 Spatiotemporal dynamic graph convolutional network for traffic speed forecasting Information Sciences SCI Q1 2023
胡雨晴 Investigating the determinants of performance of artificial intelligence adoption in hospitality industry during COVID-19 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management SSCI Q1 2023
陈颖妮 Computational experiment-aided prescriptive decision-making for complex supply chains: A case of multi-generation smartphone marketing Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2023
施嘉璇 Scenario-based robust remanufacturing scheduling problem using improved biogeography-based optimization algorithm IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems SCI Q1 2023
王浩森 Cross-view temporal graph contrastive learning for session-based recommendation Knowledge-Based Systems SCI Q1 2023
杨幼红 An effective hyper heuristic-based memetic algorithm for the distributed assembly permutation flow-shop scheduling problem Applied Soft Computing SCI Q1 2023
尹祥 Static-dynamic collaborative graph convolutional network with meta-learning for node-level traffic flow prediction Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2023
徐颖晗 Gratification Matters? An Explorative Study of Antecedents and Consequence in Livestream Shopping Industrial Management & Data Systems SCI Q2 2023
王军 A new uncertain remanufacturing scheduling model with rework risk using hybrid optimization algorithm Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI Q2 2023
金王燕 Personalized managerial response and negative inconsistent review helpfulness: The mediating effect of perceived response helpfulness Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI Q1 2023
何方 A novel bias-alleviated hybrid ensemble model based on over-sampling and post-processing for fair classification Connection Science SCI Q1 2023
王浩森 Metapath-guided dual semantic-aware filtering for HIN-based recommendation The Journal of Supercomputing SCI Q2 2023
刘思亮 A novel multi-objective optimization model for the vehicle routing problem with drone delivery and dynamic flight endurance Computers & Industrial Engineering SCI Q1 2022
董雨杭 Metapath and syntax-aware heterogeneous subgraph neural networks for spam review detection Applied Soft Computing SCI Q1 2022
王素利 Structuration analysis of e-government studies: a bibliometric analysis based on knowledge maps Journal of Information Science SCI/SSCI Q2 2022
金意伦 Fair-AdaBoost: Extending AdaBoost method to achieve fair classification Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2022
陶晓莹 Exploring combined effects of dominance structure, green sensitivity, and green preference on manufacturing closed-loop supply chains International Journal of Production Economics SCI Q1 2022
竺堃 Dynamic graph convolutional networks based on spatiotemporal data embedding for traffic flow forecasting Knowledge-based systems SCI Q1 2022
陈辛格 Picture fuzzy large-scale group decision-making in a trust-relationship-based social network environment Information Sciences SCI Q1 2022
王忠义 Novel hybrid ensemble credit scoring model with stacking-based noise detection and weight assignment Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2022
李婷婷 What drives consumers’ purchase intention of online paid knowledge? A stimulus-organism-response perspective Electronic Commerce Research and Applications SCI,SSCI Q1 2022
竺堃 Spatiotemporal multi-graph convolutional networks with synthetic data for traffic volume forecasting Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2022
李扬远 Semiconductor final testing scheduling using q-learning based hyper-heuristic Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2022
姚虹伊 Distributed Secure State Estimation of Multi-Sensor Systems Subject to Two-Channel Hybrid Attacks IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks SCI Q2 2022
张哲斌 Predicting review helpfulness in the omnichannel retailing context: an elaboration likelihood model perspective Frontiers in Psychology SSCI Q1 2022
金王燕 Does managerial response moderate the relationship between online review characteristics and review helpfulness? Current Issues in Tourism SSCI Q1 2022
童鑫佳 How background visual complexity influences purchase intention in live streaming: the mediating role of emotion and the moderating role of gender Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI Q1 2022
李扬远 Multi-skill resource constrained project scheduling using a multi-objective discrete jaya algorithm Applied Intelligence SCI Q2 2022
陶晓莹 Evolutionary game analysis among three green sensitive parties in green supply chains IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation SCI Q1 2021
陈谦 A novel trilinear deep residual network with self-adaptive dropout method for short-term load forecasting Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2021
石晨 Visual selection of standard wells for large scale logging data via discrete choice model Neurocomputing SCI Q1 2021
王浩森 Attention-aware metapath-based network embedding for HIN based recommendation Expert Systems with Applications SCI Q1 2021
施嘉璇 A new bifuzzy optimization method for remanufacturing scheduling using extended discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm Computers & Industrial Engineering SCI Q1 2021
周传美 Do topic consistency and linguistic style similarity affect online review helpfulness? An elaboration likelihood model perspective. Information Processing and Management SSCI Q1 2021
周宇生 Does the review deserve more helpfulness when its title resembles the content? Locating helpful reviews by text mining Information Processing & Management SSCI Q1 2020
陈谦 A novel asynchronous deep reinforcement learning model with adaptive early forecasting method and reward incentive mechanism for short-term load forecasting Energy SCI Q1 2021
施嘉璇 A new environment-aware scheduling method for remanufacturing system with non-dedicated reprocessing lines using improved flower pollination algorithm Journal of Manufacturing Systems SCI Q1 2020
陈子旋 Block-matrix-based approach for the vehicle routing problem with transportation type selection Engineering Optimization SCI Q2 2020
朱磊 A discrete oppositional multi-verse optimization algorithm for multi-skill resource constrained project scheduling problem Applied Soft Computing SCI Q1 2019
陈勇 Multifactor spatio-temporal correlation model based on a combination of convolutional neural network and long short-term memory neural network for wind speed forecasting Energy Conversion and Management SCI Q1 2019

