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来源:51白菜网 作者:审核人:发布时间:2023-01-10点击数:


项目名称 项目编号 负责人 项目分类 课题开始日期 课题截止日期
乡村振兴背景下绿色创意网络对家庭农场绿色创业的作 用机制研究 22YJC630045 姜辉 教育部人文社会科学研究项目 2022/9/20 2026/8/31
面向垃圾评论检测的异构图神经网络方法研究 Y23F020014 张志强 浙江省自然科学基金项目 2022/9/20 2026/8/31
面向配送员管理的城市物流决策优化研究 Y23G020009 张树柱 浙江省自然科学基金项目 2022/9/20 2026/8/31
基于多类型学术实体语义关联的知识扩散机理及演化路径研究 72204213 王婉茹 国家自然科学基金 2022/10/30 2026/8/31
医联体背景下老年慢性病在线协诊三边匹配决策与保障机制研究 22BGL249 彭娟娟 国家社会科学基金项目 2022/9/30 2026/8/31



序号 作者 论文题目 出版刊物名称 收录 出版年月
1 严素蓉
LkeRec: Toward Lightweight End-to-End Joint Representation Learning for Building Accurate and Effective Recommendation ACM Transactions on Information Systems SCI 2022-07
2 方林聪
Quasi-interpolating bivariate dual √2-subdivision using 1D stencils Computer Aided Geometric Design SCI 2022-10
3 方林聪
Algebraic and geometric characterizations of a class of Algebraic-Hyperbolic Pythagorean-Hodograph curves Computer Aided Geometric Design SCI 2022-08
4 方林聪
Classification of polynomial minimal surfaces Computer Aided Geometric Design SCI 2022-06
5 王婉茹
Relations among the h-, g-, Ψ-, and p-index and offset-ability Journal of Informetrics SSCI 2022-11
6 张志强
Metapath and syntax-aware heterogeneous subgraph neural networks for spam review detection Applied Soft Computing SCI 2022-10
7 姜辉
Structuration analysis of e-government studies: A bibliometric analysis based on knowledge maps Journal of Information Science SSCI 2022-10
8 隆清琦
Exploring combined effects of dominance structure, green sensitivity, and green preference on manufacturing closed-loop supply chains International Journal of Production Economics SCI 2022-09
9 张文宇
Dynamic graph convolutional networks based on spatiotemporal data embedding for traffic flow forecasting Knowledge-Based Systems SCI 2022-08
10 王周敬
Additive consistency analysis and normalized optimal utility vector derivation for triangular fuzzy additive reciprocal preference relations Information Sciences SCI 2022-08
11 彭娟娟
Picture fuzzy large-scale group decision-making in a trust-relationship-based social network environment Information Sciences SCI 2022-08
12 姚建荣
Novel hybrid ensemble credit scoring model with stacking-based noise detection and weight assignment Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2022-07
13 周莎莎
What drives consumers’ purchase intention of online paid knowledge? A stimulus-organism-response perspective Electronic Commerce Research and Applications SSCI 2022-03
14 张文宇
The distinctiveness of author interdisciplinarity: a long-neglected issue in research on interdisciplinarity Journal of Information Science SCI 2022-02
15 张帅
Spatiotemporal multi-graph convolutional networks with synthetic data for traffic volume forecasting Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2022-01
16 吴海燕
Phrase dependency relational graph attention network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Knowledge-Based Systems SCI 2022-01
17 王鲁
Imbalanced credit risk prediction based on SMOTE and multi-kernel FCM improved by particle swarm optimization Applied Soft Computing SSCI 2022-01
18 林剑
Semiconductor final testing scheduling using Q-learning based hyper-heuristic Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2022-01
19 张帅
A novel multi-objective optimization model for the vehicle routing problem with drone delivery and dynamic flight endurance Computers & Industrial Engineering SCI 2022-11
20 王周敬
Note on “The breaking of additively reciprocal property of fuzzy preference relations and its implication to decision making under uncertainty” Information Sciences SCI 2022-11
21 严素蓉
Attention-aware Metapath-based Network Embedding for HIN based Recommendation Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2021-07
22 王周敬
Minimum adjustment cost-based multi-stage goal programming models for consistency improving and consensus building with multiplicative reciprocal paired comparison matrices Journal of the Operational Research Society SCI 2022-11
23 刘东威
Image based beef and lamb slice authentication using convolutional neural networks Meat Science SCI 2022-11
24 潘笑天
An evaluation model for children’s foot & ankle deformity severity using sparse multi-objective feature selection algorithm Computers in Biology and Medicine SCI 2022-12
25 朱凌
A Morphology and Coordinate Fusion-Based Positioning Method for Solar Cell Classification IEEE Sensors Journal SCI 2022-10
26 周莎莎
The effect of social dynamics in online review voting behavior Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI 2022-10
27 姜罗罗
Options for mobility and network reciprocity to jointly yield robust cooperation in social dilemmas Applied Mathematics and Computation SCI 2022-10
28 杨水清
Editorial: Social commerce in the new era Frontiers in Psychology SSCI 2022-09
29 姜海银
Predicting review helpfulness in the omnichannel retailing context: An elaboration likelihood model perspective Frontiers in Psychology SSCI 2022-09
30 宋海裕
Multilayer feature fusion and attention-based network for crops and weeds segmentation Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection SCI 2022-09
31 陈远高
Does managerial response moderate the relationship between online review characteristics and review helpfulness? Current Issues in Tourism SSCI 2022-08
32 刘东威
Deep learning based ground reaction force estimation for stair walking using kinematic data Measurement SCI 2022-07
33 陈远高
How background visual complexity influences purchase intention in live streaming: The mediating role of emotion and the moderating role of gender Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI 2022-07
34 彭娟娟
Extended Picture Fuzzy MULTIMOORA Method Based on Prospect Theory for Medical Institution Selection Cognitive Computation SCI 2022-07
35 王婉茹
多层和异构信息网络及应用研究进展 情报理论与实践 CSSCI/AMI 2022-05
36 彭娟娟
社交网络环境下基于单值中智信息的大规模群决策方法 系统科学与数学 CSCD 2022-04
37 彭娟娟
An extended picture fuzzy MULTIMOORA method based on SchweizerSklar aggregation operators Soft Computing SCI 2022-04
38 姜罗罗
Eliminating poverty through social mobility promotes cooperation in social dilemmas Chaos, Solitons and Fractals SCI 2022-03
39 林剑
Multi-skill resource constrained project scheduling using a multi-objective discrete Jaya algorithm Applied Intelligence SCI 2022-03
40 杨水清
Understanding mobile learning continuance from an online_cum_offline learning perspective: A SEM_neural network method International Journal of Mobile Communications SSCI 2022-01

