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来源:51白菜网 作者:审核人:发布时间:2024-03-06点击数:


项目名称 项目编号 负责人 项目分类 课题开始日期 课题截止日期
绿色创意网络视阈下乡村小微企业绿色创业绩效提升机制与策略研究 23CGL009 姜辉 国家社会科学基金项目 2023/09/22 2027/12/31
智联网环境下人机兼容与协作模式对人机团队绩效的影响机制:替代与增强的双刃剑效应 72371223 杨水清 国家自然科学基金项目 2023/09/14 2027/12/31
基于认知图谱的推理式文本观点分析方法研究 62306267 吴海燕 国家自然科学基金项目 2023/09/14 2026/12/31
新能源低碳数字化管理大数据智能技术 HZKY20220197 朱凌 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目 2023/05/22 2025/05/22
双循环格局下电商平台物流全链路协同创新模式、机制及实现路径研究 23YJC790211 朱丽媛 教育部人文社会科学研究项目 2023/10/18 2026/04/01
付费模式下知识共创的形成机理、作用机制及引导策略研究 23YJC870015 周莎莎 教育部人文社会科学研究项目 2023/10/18 2026/04/01
不确定需求和偏好下基于演化计算的闭环绿色供应链协调优化决策 Z24G010004 隆清琦 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目 2023/12/14 2026/12/31
数智赋能视角下长三角城市洪涝灾害韧性时空演变及提升策略研究 24NDJC328YBMS 汪志强 浙江省社科规划课题项目 2023/06/30 2026/07/01
考虑非合作行为的社交网络大规模群共识决策方法及其应用研究 Y24G010019 彭娟娟 浙江省自然科学基金项目 2023/12/14 2026/12/31
动态环境下基于规则学习的分布式柔性作业调度方法研究 Y24F030024 林剑 浙江省自然科学基金项目 2023/12/14 2026/12/31
不确定环境下基于双偏好驱动的再制造生产高维目标调度方法研 Q24F030033 潘笑天 浙江省自然科学基金项目 2023/12/14 2026/12/31


序号 作者 排名 论文题目 出版刊物名称 收录 出版年月
1 张帅 1 Multivariate correlation matrix-based deep learning model with enhanced heuristic optimization for short-term traffic forecasting IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering SCI 2023-03
2 杨水清 通讯 How does topic consistency affect online review helpfulness? The role of review emotional intensity Electronic Commerce Research SSCI 2023-12
3 王周敬 1 Comments on “An uncertainty-induced axiomatic foundation of the analytic hierarchy process and its implication” Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2023-08
4 王周敬 1 Saaty‘s consistency trapezoidal fuzzy extension and optimized fuzzy utility vector acquisition Information Sciences SCI 2023-07
5 王周敬 通讯 New additive-consistency-driven methods for deriving two types of normalized utility vectors from additive reciprocal preference relations Journal of the Operational Research Society SCI 2023-06
6 张文宇 通讯 Spatiotemporal dynamic graph convolutional network for traffic speed forecasting Information Sciences SCI 2023-08
7 张文宇 1 Scenario-based robust remanufacturing scheduling problem using improved biogeography-based optimization algorithm IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems SCI 2023-06
8 李一啸 1 Understanding social media users' engagement intention toward emergency information: the role of experience and information usefulness in a reciprocity framework Information Technology & People SSCI 2023-05
9 王鲁 1 A qualitatively analyzable two-stage ensemble model based on machine learning for credit risk early warning: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing companies Information Processing and Management SCI,SSCI 2023-05
10 刘维树 通讯 Identification of national research output using Scopus/Web of Science Core Collection: a revisit and further investigation Scientometrics SSCI 2023-04
11 吴海燕 1 Improving aspect-based sentiment analysis with Knowledge-aware Dependency Graph Network Information Fusion SCI 2023-04
12 张文宇 1 Individualized requirement-driven multi-task scheduling in cloud manufacturing using an extended multifactorial evolutionary algorithm Computers & Industrial Engineering SCI 2023-03
13 方林聪 通讯 Pythagorean Hodograph C-曲线的几何构造方法 数学学报 CSCD 2023-03
14 严素蓉 通讯 Cross-view temporal graph contrastive learning for session-based recommendation Knowledge-Based Systems SCI 2023-03
15 宋洪波 1 An effective hyper heuristic-based memetic algorithm for the distributed assembly permutation flow-shop scheduling problem Applied Soft Computing SCI 2023-03
16 张文宇 通讯 Static-dynamic collaborative graph convolutional network with meta-learning for node-level traffic flow prediction Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2023-10
17 宋海裕 1 Set-membership multi-sensor secure fusion estimation against two-channel malicious attacks Information Sciences SCI 2023-09
18 姜罗罗 通讯 Dual effects of conformity on the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas PHYSICAL REVIEW E SCI 2023-08
19 陈远高 1 Investigating the determinants of performance of artificial intelligence adoption in hospitality industry during COVID-19 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management SSCI 2023-07
20 隆清琦 1 Computational experiment-aided prescriptive decision-making for complex supply chains: A case of multi-generation smartphone marketing Expert Systems with Applications SCI 2023-06
21 陈远高 1 Investigating the determinants of medical crowdfunding performance: a signaling theory perspective Internet Research SCI/SSCI 2023-05
22 张文宇 1 A novel fairness-aware ensemble model based on hybrid sampling and modified two-layer stacking for fair classification International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics SCI 2023-11
23 周莎莎 通讯 Will reviewer recommendation source and cured status bias review helpfulness in online health community? Online Information Review SSCI 2023-07
24 周莎莎 1 How online review environment affects review generation behavior: A competing for attention perspective Telematics and Informatics SSCI 2023-06
25 张文宇 1 A new uncertain remanufacturing scheduling model with rework risk using hybrid optimization algorithm Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI 2023-05
26 张翔 通讯 Visual analytics of spatio-temporal urban mobility patterns via network representation learning Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI 2023-04
27 周莎莎 通讯 信息线索对知识付费用户满意度的影响 图书情报知识 CSSCI 2023-03
28 严素蓉 1 Metapath-guided dual semantic-aware filtering for HIN-based recommendation The Journal of Supercomputing SCI 2023-03
29 彭娟娟 1 Picture fuzzy decision-making theories and methodologies: a systematic review International Journal of Systems Science SCI 2023-10
30 张帅 通讯 A novel gated dual convolutional neural network model with autoregressive method and attention mechanism for probabilistic load forecasting Applied Intelligence SCI 2023-09
31 刘东威 通讯 Analysis of inter-joint coordination during the sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit tasks in stroke patients with hemiplegia BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation SCI 2023-08
32 宋海裕 1 Finite-time secure state estimation for a class of switched systems subject to deception attacks Optimal Control Applications and Methods SCI 2023-07
33 王婉茹 通讯 从ChatGPT爆发到GPT技术革命的启示 情报理论与实践 SCI 2023-06
34 隆清琦 通讯 Gratification Matters? An Explorative Study of Antecedents and Consequence in Livestream Shopping Industrial Management & Data Systems SCI 2023-05
35 陈远高 通讯 Personalized managerial response and negative inconsistent review helpfulness: The mediating effect of perceived response helpfulness Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI 2023-05
36 潘笑天 1 A dynamic resource allocation strategy for collaborative constrained multi-objective optimization algorithm Applied Intelligence SCI 2023-05
37 姜罗罗 1 Deterrence through punishment can resolve collective risk dilemmas in carbon emission games Chaos SCI 2023-04
38 周望月 1 The impact of interpersonal interaction factors on consumers’ purchase intention in social commerce: a relationship quality perspective Industrial Management & Data Systems SCI 2023-03
39 刘东威 1 Image based beef and lamb slice authentication using convolutional neural networks Meat Science SCI 2023-01
